We are a small charity making a big difference by offering a range of facilities including training rooms, a fully fitted kitchen and crèche facilities. We are also all-inclusive as we provide wheelchair access and disabled toilet facilities.
Our charitable objects are as follows:
a) to support, develop and enhance the provision of facilities for the day care, entertainment, open access play and education of school age children in Ceredigion, out of school hours and during school holidays;
b) to support, develop and augment the provision of facilities for adults, including the disabled, older residents and the retired by providing recreational and social activities for advice and assistance to develop the education and training of staff and volunteers linked to the provision of such care, education, recreational facilities and open access play.
The RAY Ceredigion committee has sole responsibility for activities, staff and volunteers. The main role of the committee is to ensure that the projects are properly delivered.
We are a small charity making a big difference by offering a variety of facilities, including training rooms, a fully fitted kitchen and crèche facilities, we are also fully inclusive, as we provide wheelchair access and disa...
A project for young adults (17-30 years) with disabilities, includes gardening, baking, woodwork, art and more.
Tuesdays & Thursdays
(10:00 - 14:30)
Due to COVID-19 there have been some changes to our services, therefore for up-to-date information please contact rayceredigionadmin@btconnect.com.
A weekly Cooking Group held every Friday during term time and during the h...
A coffee morning for people with dementia and their partners or carers, which takes place every Friday morning between 10:30 – 13:30 (please check the programme for information regarding the activities).
RAY Ceredigion provides outdoor open access play sessions throughout Ceredigion in Cardigan, Lampeter, Llandysul and Penparcau. Qualified playworkers provide a range of activities including cooking, den building, bubble play...
Craft and Chat is a friendly and welcoming weekly group of adults who meet to share crafting skills, often using recycled materials.
Offers a place where mums, dads, grandparents and carers with children under the age of 5 can come to make new friends, learn new skills and spend quality time playing and learning in a fun and stimulating environment.
Due to COVID-19 there have been some changes to our services, therefore for up-to-date information please contact rayceredigionadmin@btconnect.com.
Offers parents/carers an opportunity to socialise and to enjoy playing wit...
Due to COVID-19 there have been some changes to our services, therefore for up-to-date information please contact rayceredigionadmin@btconnect.com.
The playschemes benefit children by allowing them to connect with other ch...
Supports young people who are at risk of anti-social or harmful behaviour. The aim of the project is to provide a mix of fun activities and learning opportunities that support young people to develop socially, emotionally an...
Supports children who are at risk of anti-social or harmful behaviour. The aim of the project is to provide a mix of fun activities and learning opportunities that support children to develop socially and emotionally.
Monthly meeting.
The GUS group is for young people aged 11 – 18 who are referred to the group as vulnerable or disadvantaged; this includes looked after children (in foster care), young carers, at risk of becoming a juveni...
Social club is for young people with disabilities.
It is a safe place for young people with disabilities to meet once a month. There are a variety of activities including trips for the young people to participate in if they...
The repair café is an event that takes place on the first Saturday of every month from 10am -1pm at RAY Ceredigion. The local community can bring their broken household items to be repaired for free by volunteers.
The type...