What does Wales Council of the Blind do?
We provide information to service users and professionals in the field of sight loss. Our portal, Perspectif, is maintained as Wales' primary resource for services relating to vision impairment.
In addition we:
- assist the Welsh Government by participating in and facilitating consultation;
- keep in touch with what is happening in every area in Wales and in the U.K.;
- highlight examples of good practice and distribute this to the eyecare sector through our SYLW newsletter, e-bulletins, quarterly 'Round-Up' Magazine, and our professional networks;
- bring people together to exchange information and ideas;
- identify gaps in provision;
- encourage the development of new services where necessary;
- support and assist other agencies to provide a good service;
- represent v.i. within Wales and at an all-Wales level;
- represent v.i. in Wales at a U.K. level.
Providers, Services, a Glossary of Terms, an Events Calendar and a Library