Development Trusts Association Wales

The Development Trusts Association Wales (DTA Wales) is an independent practitioner based membership organisation promoting the work of and supporting the growing network of development trusts in Wales. We are part of a larger movement of community based regeneration and enterprise network across the UK, including Locality in England, DTAS in Scotland and DTNI in Northern Ireland, dating back to the formation of the original Development Trust Association in 1992.

Although DTA Wales is a membership organisation for development trusts, we don’t just deliver services for our Members. We also have a range of programmes and services which benefit the wider third sector in Wales.

All our work is structured around 3 core areas which tie into our mission and values:

Community enterprise – we encourage development trusts and other community organisations to cultivate community enterprises for long term sustainability

Community ownership of assets – we support communities considering taking on land and buildings across Wales, or help develop those already in community ownership

Communities supporting communities – we use a peer support approach where possible in order to carry out community led regeneration in communities across Wales

Provided by Development Trusts Association Wales Service available in Cardiff, Cardiff Advice and advocacy
17 West Bute Street, , Cardiff, CF10 5EP

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