Spectacle Theatre Ltd has an excellent and proven track record in delivering bi-lingual educational theatre. Over the last forty years, it has been an innovator, pioneer, and incubator, in the practice and delivery of educational theatre in the South Wales Valleys. It has excelled in enabling access to the arts for people that are systemically disadvantaged. Spectacle maintains a continuous dialogue with communities and use this to shape artistic plans. Our prudent financial strategy has enabled the company to increase its turnover and improve its reserves.
Our long-term aim is to be a sustainable bi-lingual organisation. With our theatre practice embedded primarily, in the communities and educational establishments of Rhondda Cynon Tâf, Merthyr Tydfil and Bridgend County Boroughs.
Spectacle has delivered arts-based practice in these areas since 1979. We aim for Spectacle to fully play its part, in using theatre to make society fairer by tackling discrimination and providing equality of opportunity for all.
Over the next five years (2023-2028) we will realign company structure, capacity, and resources, so that they:
• meet the three-fold challenge facing our communities (health, social and economic)
• grasp the opportunities of Welsh Government Initiatives such as Community focused schools’ New Curriculum for schools and the Children and Young people plan 2022.
We will:
• continue to focus work in areas of multiple deprivation.
• use trauma informed practice to support work around Adverse Childhood Experience.
• achieve cultural competency for staff and stakeholders.
• maintain a bi-lingual theatre service free at the point of delivery
Spectacle Theatre Ltd was established as the Theatre in Education company for Mid Glamorgan in 1979 and has developed into an International award-winning company specialising in participatory arts. Spectacle gained charitable...