The Pernicious Anaemia Society

Doctors are generally unaware that around 10% of the UK Population is deficient in B12 - that's around 6.5 million in the UK.
Symptoms are vague and wide-ranging: constant tiredness, brain fogs, mood swings, memory problems, owns and needles, irrational behaviour, numbness, sudden bouts of diarrhoea and a wide range of neurological problems including pins and needles and balance problems.
The biggest cause will be because of an autoimmune disease called Pernicious Anaemia. This means that the patient will be unable to absorb the essential vitamin from food. The vitamin is found in any animal products such as meat, fish and dairy.
The Pernicious Anaemia Society is the only registered charity in the world for people with Pernicious Anaemia. Our mission is to get accurate diagnosis' and individual treatment for those with Pernicious Anaemia.