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SWS Cymru - Support With Scoliosis


Postal Address

9 Kyle Avenue Cardiff CF14 1SR


029 20694105

At SWS Cymru - Support With Scoliosis we offer information to those affected by scoliosis (Curvature of the spine), including adults and children. We work closely with the scoliosis consultants to ensure any information is accurate. We raise awareness of this condition through various events, social media and our website.

Someone with scoliosis has a spine that also curves to one side, or the other, or both. Scoliosis is defined as an abnormal curvature in the spine, of more than 10 degrees. The spine may be a C-shape or S-shape, and may also be rotated (twisted), leading to a distortion of the ribcage. Curvature of the spine can occur at any point, from the top to the bottom. However, the most common regions affected are:

- The chest area (thoracic scoliosis)
- The lower back (lumbar scoliosis)

If scoliosis is left untreated, the curvature of the spine can get worse and cause damage to the spine, chest, pelvis, heart, and lungs.