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Swansea Carers Centre - Young Adult Carers Project (YAC)


Postal Address

104 Mansel Street 104 Mansel Street Swansea SA1 5UE

Young Adult Carers (YACs) are young people aged 16-25 who are an unpaid carer for a loved one. We offer one to one support, trips and activities as well as two youth clubs per month all to give the YACs a break from there caring roles.
Support they require will depend on their own specific needs, and nature of their caring role(s). The project gives emotional as well as practical support to help them deal with the daily struggles in their caring role(s). One YAC stated how the emotional support has benefited them, it gives me a chance, to get a lot off my chest and helps me have a more clear mind. The project ensures to give support and refers to other services, as extra avenues of support, as required by the YAC and the person they care for. The project is a lifeline to these young adults, giving them an opportunity to be 'Young again' as a lot of them have had to grow up faster than their peers due to their caring roles.