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SParky Samba

Provided by
SParky Samba

Provided by
SParky Samba


Visitable Address

Llandennis Road

Postal Address

Llandennis Road

Make a noise with SParky Samba : Come and join the Band
Cardiff Branch is pleased to invite you to join its latest activity, the SParky Samba percussion band. If you want to live as well as possible with Parkinson’s, evidence points to taking up some physical activity. Rhythm can help overcome some of the problems with walking and gait. Learning something new and some challenging mental activity is highly recommended and social activity is a must to avoid loneliness. The new SParky Samba offers it all and is great fun too.

We meet every Wednesday arrive at 12.15 for 12.30 start, tea/coffee cake after.
Come and try it out, if you join there is a small subscription and bursaries are available, ask for details from Eirwen when you get there.