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Run Wales

Provided by
Run Wales

Provided by
Run Wales


Postal Address

Cardiff International Sports Campus Leckwith Road Cardiff CF11 8AZ

Run Wales is here to celebrate people and groups who run, jog, walk and wheel their way to improved health and wellbeing regardless of age, fitness level, aspiration, background, or location. We encourage and support the creation of social running groups in local communities, signpost to funding opportunities, provide support and resources for Run Leaders and help people connect with social running across Wales. We hold a register of Guide Runners to support visually impaired runners, can direct to clubs and groups who provide beginners running courses, offer Welsh Athletics affiliated membership through Clwb Run Wales - our virtual running club and advocate the benefits of running for both physical and mental health. Run Wales also works across primary schools in Wales to increase the number of children participating in The Daily Mile, and is supporting informal running opportunities in secondary schools as well as workplaces, and community groups.