Race Equality First (REF) has over 40 years of experience as the recognised lead body in South Wales for tackling discrimination and hate crime and promoting the message that Race Equality is a human right.
We are experts in the field of race equality and advise the United Nations and the UK Government. REF is now the only Race Equality Council in Wales with the specific remit to address racial equality and we are one of the four remaining Race Equality Councils in the UK.
The Organisation was established to work towards the principal of equality and creating a fair and just society. We offer a range of services dedicated to helping you.
We are now delivering Hate Crime workshops and training for organisation staff and community groups across South East Wales. Within each Hate Crime workshop the main aims and objectives are to educate and empower people to know; their rights under UK law, what constitutes discrimination, victimisation, harassment and hate crime (including cyber hate), to understand the impact hate has on people’s lives, and how to report hate crime and discrimination if they were to witness or experience this.
If you would like to book training in hate crime & discrimination workshops or training for staff, service users or community groups, please let get in touch and we can schedule this in for you.