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The Maltings East Tyndall Street Cardiff CF24 5EZ

PACEY Cymru is here to support people who work with and look after children in Wales.

PACEY Cymru supports members and people working in childcare in Wales to provide the best possible standards of care for children.

We work with the Welsh Government, local authorities and agencies to ensure families across Wales have access to affordable, quality childcare.

As well as supporting childcare professionals, our work in Wales includes:

Ensuring the best possible outcomes for children and families across Wales by working to support the Welsh Government's Child Poverty Strategy
Delivering training and services to partners, including local authorities through PACEY Connect Cymru a package of services which help local authorities support early years professionals in their area.
PACEY Cymru is supported by funding by the Welsh Government's Children and Families Delivery Grant. We’re one of five leading childcare organisations working together through the Welsh Government- funded consortium Cwlwm (Childcare Wales Learning and Working Mutually).