Information provided by our partner Dewis. Click here to view the information in Dewis.

Llamau - Caerphilly Young People's Services

Llamau provides the following services to young people in Caerphilly:
27 units of Supported Accommodation in shared houses.

10 semi-independent living units (shared house or starter tenancy)

Mediation Plus - support for young people and their parents/carers to help them remain or return to live in the family home. Plus wider support for young people at risk of homelessness.

Supported Lodgings - Young people live with a 'provider' who is a person in the community with a spare room who helps them to build their independent living skills.

'Pre and Post' floating support for young people awaiting placement in Llamau's supported accommodation or who have moved to a more independent setting where tapered ending of support is required.