Information provided by our partner Dewis. Click here to view the information in Dewis.

'INTA ACT' Communication and Connection Positive Wellbeing and Education

We provide effective, practically based information and education (on film and in person) to help people to steer away from accumulated stress related illness/trauma or, if already on that road, make things as good as they can be at that time in their own unique circumstances.
We don't claim to 'cure' people, we are not doctors, therapists, researchers or scientists.
We always use the very real 'stuff' that we know from our own lives as people who have had, and live with, personal experience of a variety of wellbeing related health issues.
We understand the value of this type of 'real-life based' intervention because, unfortunately, this sort of intervention wasn't, in many cases, available to us. We intend to provide it to benefit others.
Our purpose is to try to use those life experiences to help, in a proactive and preventative way, to steer people away from what we call 'The Road to Chaos'.
In truth - We have Walked the Walk, Now we Talk the Talk'