Hope Baptist Church


Postal Address

Hope Baptist Church Station Hill Bridgend CF31 1EA

Hope Baptist Church was founded over 100 years ago and is affiliated to the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) and is a member of the South Wales Baptist Association (SWBA). The chapel is a grade 2 listed building in the commercial centre of Bridgend and there are currently 110 members on the church role and there are a good number of others who attend regularly.

On Sundays we have one service at 10.30am a crèche is available if required. The church also meets for prayer and Bible study during the week and there are other meetings which provide outreach opportunities. We have communion on the 1st Sunday of the month.

The Church actively supports the work of the Bridgend Food Bank. Hope members work with this organisation as volunteers, trainers, and/or trustees. Some of the church members also undertake important roles within BUGB and SWBA for example trainer on Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk.