Information provided by our partner Dewis. Click here to view the information in Dewis.

Gwelcol (The Gwent Wellbeing College)

Gwelcol (The Gwent Wellbeing College) is an online resource where individuals can explore and build their own community wellbeing curriculum by choosing from a range of activities provided within the Gwent area.

Gwelcol contains information about local wellbeing organisations, groups, individuals, clubs and services (we’re calling these Stakeholders) and contains links to their social media pages and websites.

Potential Stakeholders can submit their information using the ‘Become a Stakeholder’ form in the contact drop down contained in the menu (top right-hand section of Gwelcol’s main page).

The website also hosts links for volunteering opportunities and has a ‘What’s Happening’ news feed which can be used to promote local well-being related events and activities.