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Goleudy - Carmarthenshire Floating Support service


Postal Address

Cartref Cynnes Llansteffan Road, Johnstown Carmarthenshire SA31 3NQ



The scheme commenced on the 1st October 2016 and is based at Cartref Cynnes, Johnstown, Carmarthen and works within the boundaries of Carmarthenshire County Council. The scheme provides a housing related support service to anyone and everyone who needs it. Our support is underpinned by a Solution-Focussed approach.

Support is arranged weekly at the individual’s tenancy at times that are convenient. In order for the service user to successfully achieve or ensuring outcomes are sustainable we develop a plan that is holistic and addressed needs in all life areas which may put the service user at risk of losing their accommodation; The service user is also allocated responsibilities in the support plans and to promote independence staff make it clear that carrying them out is key to the success of the plan.