Information provided by our partner Dewis. Click here to view the information in Dewis.

Fertility Health and Wellbeing Walks Yoga, Mindfulness & Nutrition (online)

Our fertility support groups meetings are facilitated by staff members or volunteers. They are welcoming, informal and yours!
The groups run online and are a fantastic opportunity to hear from and speak to others who really understand what you are going through. Some of our meetings are for all and some are more tailored to specific issues so have a look to see which one may be best for you.
We try to spread them out throughout the month too so that you have multiple opportunities to get support.
FOR ALL THOSE TRYING TO CONCEIVE, the following is open to anyone affected by a fertility issue.
Throughout the year we regularly run outdoor activities and online courses that anyone affected by a fertility issue can request to join. These include our outdoor meetups, our fertility walking groups, online yoga sessions and 6 week courses in nutrition, mindfulness and mindful eating.