Information provided by our partner Dewis. Click here to view the information in Dewis.

Families Affected by Imprisonment (FABI)

Families Affected By
Imprisonment (FABI)
within North Wales
The FABI Project is working hard to highlight the
impact imprisonment of a parent can have on
children and young people, by raising awareness
and collaborating with agencies
The effects of a loved one going to prison can have a
great impact on children, the FABI Project is looking at the
following areas to enable children and young people access
to support as quickly as possible.
1. By Identifying children and young people in a timely
manner, to offer support.
2. By working with education staff to educate about FABI
and to undertake awareness training, and identifying FABI
3. By providing tool kits to any agency regarding FABI.
4. By raising awareness of FABI within the communities of
North Wales.