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Diverse Cymru

Provided by
Diverse Cymru

Provided by
Diverse Cymru


Postal Address

307 - 315 Cowbridge Road East Canton Cardiff CF5 1JD

Diverse Cymru is a Welsh charity promoting equality for all in Wales. We are committed to supporting people who face discrimination because of who they are.

Our services include:

Advocacy: Diverse Cymru’s free advocacy service helps people to secure their rights, to pursue their interests and to obtain the services they need (including around welfare and benefits), empowering people to access support. This includes independent support with benefits, challenging decisions, raising complaints with services, and more.

Mental Health Hub: We support Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic people and asylum seekers and refugees experiencing mental ill health through recovery based holistic support. We also offer a counselling service.

Bereavement support: We are working with Marie Curie to support people who have experienced bereavement.