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Dinas Powys Library and Activity Centre


Visitable Address

Fairoaks The Murch Dinas Powys CF64 4QW

Postal Address

Fairoaks The Murch Dinas Powys CF64 4QU

Our Library and Coffee Shop is now open between 10.00am to 4.30pm Monday - Friday..
Also between 10.00am-12.30pm on Saturdays.

We also offer -
1.) Free internet connectivity and Wifi
2.) 6 Public Access Computers
3.) Printing & Photocopying services
4.) A Meeting/Activity Room with 82inch Samsung Smart TV

Weekly activities include -
Breast Feeding Group - Monday
Story Babies - Tuesday
Crafting Group - Tuesday
Wellbeing Group - Thursday
Yoga - Wednesday & Thursday
Seated Yoga - Friday
Lego - Monday & Wednesday

Vale libraries aim to inspire people and encourage a sense of place through libraries with books, information, learning, online access, music, film and services for every resident in spaces that bring local communities together.

Vale library members have access to over 250,000 books, 7,000 talking books, 10,000 DVDs as well as free book reservations for any book in Wales, free internet access and a host of other fantastic services.