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Digital Communities Wales: Digital Companions


Visitable Address

Maindy Road Cardiff

Postal Address

Maindy Road Cardiff


0300 111 5050

Digital Communities Wales: Digital Confidence, Health and Well-being exists to reduce digital exclusion in Wales. We want a Wales where everyone has the skills, access and motivation to be a confident user of digital technology.

Getting online is not easy for everyone. For a lot of people not online, the best person to help them is YOU – a trusted friend or family member who knows them well and can work with them one-to-one. You don’t need to be an IT whizz; you just need to be familiar with using the web to help them overcome their fears and build confidence in using digital devices – by being their Digital Companion.

This page will help you find some useful links and resources to help those around you become more digitally skilled. This is such an important step and thank you for helping those you know gain digital skills.