Credu- Supporting people who support people

Provided by

Provided by


Postal Address

Powys Carers Service Ltd, Marlow South Crescent LLANDRINDOD WELLS LD1 5DH

If you support someone we can support you. We can provide a space for you to talk and to be listened. We can give you information and advice and if you want to link you with other people who are on similar journeys.
If you support someone with Cancer and If you would like to complete an eHNA (Electronic Holistic Needs Assessment) with us we can take you through those steps. This will help you to think about talk about your Cancer and how it may affect you and your family.
You can get in touch with us by ringing 01597 823800 or email You can have a chat to see if we could support you and your family.

Opening times

Office phone number 01597 823800 Outreach workers may work outside those times.

Access Options

Drop in

Self referrral

Agency referral

By appointment only