Community Christmas Directory

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Postal Address

7 Bell Yard London WC2A 2JR

Community Christmas is a free directory of festive events and activities taking place across the UK between 1 December 2024 and 1 January 2025 that welcome and are accessible to older people aged 75 and over.

The directory is a great resource for older people who may be lonely or socially isolated, to find out about events where they can spend time with others during the festive period.

If you're planning a festive event or activity, which an older person aged 75 or older can attend, you are welcome to publicise it in our free online directory. It can be anything from a craft fair or an afternoon tea to a pantomime or Christmas lunch with all the trimmings. As long as it’s suitable for older people, we’re happy to publicise it.

Access Options

Drop in

Self referrral

Agency referral

By appointment only