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Cardiff Wellbeing Support Service

The Cardiff Wellbeing Support Service seeks to boost a participant's health and wellbeing by helping them become more active and engaged in their community. We provide short term, one-to-one mentoring by our own Health and Wellbeing Mentors to those that need it, and help them to access the right support they need. We support participants to access advice, activities, events, training opportunities and any other support to help meet their wellbeing needs.

The activities can be whatever appeals and interests the participant, such as lunch clubs, social clubs, digital sessions, gardening clubs, singing groups, litter picks, yoga, meditation, volunteering, healthy cooking groups and much more, helping people to make new friends.

Once a Health and Wellbeing Mentor has been assigned, a period of support for up to 13 weeks is available for the participant and their mentor to work on what is needed to improve their wellbeing, as outlined in their own personal Action Plan.