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Caerphilly Cares

Provided by
Caerphilly Cares

Provided by
Caerphilly Cares



01443 811490

Caerphilly Cares provides residents needing support with a single gateway into the Council. Our friendly ‘triage’ team assess a full range of support needs (it could be financial support, support for isolation or loneliness, food poverty etc) and signposts to the relevant departments/partners as needed. We aim to enhance the many avenues of support available to residents of the borough through the difficult times they may be facing.

The Caerphilly Cares team goal is to support our residents to get to the root cause of their issue, meaning there is no need to tell their story multiple times to many different departments. The team act as that single point of contact, helping individuals through their journey of support from end to end.

Caerphilly Community Connectors support the work within the Caerphilly Cares service.