Arts Participation Training

Arts Participation Training is a new initiative offering training in ‘Arts and Health’ to the Care Sector:

Support Workers, Nurses/Key workers, Managers of Social Services and Residential Care. A useful training for people in the Voluntary Sector, Health and Community Care and for those working in the fields of mental health and disability.

This experiential training is designed to help develop a deeper understanding of Arts Participation and the beneficial role it can play in health and wellbeing.

Looking at the whole person; unlocking potential through creative arts.

Continuing Professional Development for staff – The Training looks at reflective practice and best practice in the promotion of activity and positive motivation through arts participation. Increased confidence in the use of arts, working with arts professionals and adding value through the use of existing community arts resources. Understanding the role of arts participation as an important aid to mental and physical well-being. This is a positive, up-lifting training day.