Information provided by our partner Dewis. Click here to view the information in Dewis.

Alzheimer's Society - Dementia Support

Dementia Connect provides you with information and practical support to help you understand more about dementia, and support you to live well with dementia.

The service aims to ensure that you:
- have accurate, clear, relevant and useful information that is easy to understand
- feel you understand more about dementia and your diagnosis and have an improved knowledge of living with dementia 
- feel you have improved knowledge of other services available to you and have been enabled to access other support services
- feel less isolated 
- feel supported to maintain independence, make choices and be in control of your life
- feel you have been listened to and that your questions have been answered adequately
- feel that the service has helped you at difficult times to prevent crisis situations 
- feel empowered to have accessed and built wider support networks
- feel you have learnt better coping strategies.