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'Where You Stand' online information guide for carers of people with learning disabilities


Visitable Address

Sbectrwm The Old School Cardiff CF5 3EF

Postal Address

Sbectrwm The Old School Cardiff


029 2056 5917

Where You Stand is an online information resource for parents, unpaid carers, disabled children and adults with learning disabilities. Where You Stand is an extensive guide written by carers (of people with a learning disability), for carers. It has information on carers' rights, how to navigate the complex systems that carers face when seeking support for their child and many links to other local and national resources. This includes tips and signposting to ways to challenge decisions that you may feel are unfair and how to prepare for assessments and benefit applications - if you feel something is missing or needs updating please contact us.
It focuses upon regional services in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan but includes a great deal of information that is of Wales wide relevance.