We Deliver- Porthcawl, Pharmacy Hub, Phone buddies

1.Prior to the pandemic there were no over the phone ordering and payment services in Porthcawl. We have worked with local businesses in creating a list of available services. This assists in reducing footfall and vehicular traffic.
2. Central hub involving four pharmacies. We collect all the prescriptions on a daily basis ny one driver. The prescriptions are separated into Wards for delivery. At the most no more than 5 people are involved in delivering medication.This has greatly reduced the footfall and vehicular traffic in our town centre.
3. Phone buddies -lonely older residents and carers are allocated a phone buddy. The phone buddy responds to requests and provides social contact for the vulnerable who remain at home.

Opening times

Available 24/7

Access Options

Drop in

Self referrral

Agency referral

By appointment only