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Value Independence CIC


Visitable Address

101-101a Charles Street Milford haven SA73 2HL

Postal Address

101-101a Charles Street Milford haven SA73 2HL


01646 695785

Value Independence CIC is a social enterprise, Set up with a believe that EVERYBODY regardless of disability can achieve their own true potential. Working within a social model of care, We actively seek to remove unnecessary barriers which prevent disabled people participating in society, accessing work and living independently.
We are registered with CIW. Providing Domiciliary services, 1-1 support, home/community, supported living, 24/7 support, respite, We also have a day centre situated in the heart of Milford Haven, we have new Sensory room with tracking hoist, passenger lift, enabled kitchen and bathroom with tracking hoist and a bath. We provide sessions on independent living, health and wellbeing, art therapy, history, environmental issues and more. Trained in peg feeding, tracheostomy care/specialist services. Additionally we have a field being developed into a community garden for eco therapy. Disability sports, bike mobility and target shooting club.