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St John's Hostel, Wrexham - The Wallich


Visitable Address

St. Johns House Chester Road WS13 6PB

Postal Address

St. Johns House Chester Road

St John's Hostel offer safe temporary accommodation for people experiencing homelessness.

St John’s offers six beds for people who find themselves without a home. The property has shared bathroom and kitchen facilities and all residents have access to a support worker.

Support workers help residents to:
-Develop independent living skills required to maintain a tenancy
-Gain access to other services such as healthcare, benefits, training and education
-Attend appointments to GP, substance misuse services and mental health services
-Learn budgeting skills
-Develop cooking skills

The Wallich believes that homeless and vulnerable people are individuals with varied and different support needs.

It is proven that their successful recovery can be benefited by living in a Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE).

We want to provide innovative and trauma-informed services and match people as best we can to provide support which suits them.