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Saron (Bynea) Community Hall


Visitable Address

Saron Road Bynea Llanelli SA14

Postal Address

Saron Road Bynea Llanelli SA14 9LT


01554 773296

Hall information

Address:  Saron Community Hall, Saron Road, Bynea, Llanelli SA14 9LT

Hire cost of hall: £10 per hour during weekdays. £12 per hour during Saturdays and Sundays. Parties £12 per hour.

Hall bookings: contact the booking secretary on 01554 773296 / 01554 778547 after 6pm if possible.

Regular activities at the hall:

last updated July, 2024


6-8pm - Sewing and Quilting Class


6-7pm -  Skating


10am-12.30pm - Bynea District Forum Monthly Craft Fair (EVERY FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH)

The hall is popular for children's parties and has insurance in place for accommodating bouncy castles and soft play.