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Samaritans Cymru

Provided by
Samaritans Cymru

Provided by
Samaritans Cymru



116 123

Samaritans is a helpline service which is available 24/7 and is about working with people to create a safe space where they can talk about what is happening, how they’re feeling and help them to find their own way forward.

We reach out to groups where there is a high risk of suicide and emotional distress. We work in partnership with other agencies to achieve change locally, and inform policy decisions which have an impact on suicide risk.

Contact Samaritans free - day or night, 365 days a year. Call free on 116 123.

0808 164 0123 - Welsh language line. Open every day 7pm - 11pm. This number is free to call.

To enquire about volunteering for Samaritans Cymru, please email