Information provided by our partner Dewis. Click here to view the information in Dewis.

NEWCIS (Flintshire)


Postal Address

28-44 New Street Mold CH7 1NZ

NEWCIS is the largest provider of carer services in Wales – delivering information, one to one support, advocacy, training and counselling to carers who provide unpaid support to family or friends living in North East Wales (Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham). Many carers are struggling with a multitude of issues including access to information, maintaining a work/caring balance, red tape and coping with loss, as well as the physical and mental challenges involved. Our aim is for all North Wales unpaid family carers and volunteers to be properly supported and valued in their caring and volunteering roles and provided with a voice, opportunity and choices, to lead a more fulfilling life. Our services include information and support, social carer groups/drop ins, events, training courses, counselling, respite and carer breaks.
