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Neath Port Talbot Child Contact Centre


Visitable Address

266 Western Avenue Port Talbot SA12 7NF

Postal Address

266 Western Avenue Port Talbot



When a relationship breaks down most families come to their own arrangements for children to see their other parent. But for an increasing number agreement cant be reached & thousands of children each year lose contact with loved ones. We provide a safe, friendly child centred environment where children can spend time with the family they no longer live with - this may be a parent; grandparent or other family. There are lots of toys & activities; books & crafts as well as refreshments, and the service is completely free of charge. You don't need to meet the other parent if you don't want to. We also provide a handover service so children can be safely collected by the other parent without the need for them to meet. We listen to everyone; give support but stay neutral and we don't take sides. Our aim is that children have the opportunity to make up their own minds and develop a positive relationship with their family they don't live with anymore.