
WorkingSense uses Specialist Employment Advisers to support people with a sensory loss or have a disability, through a range of interventions tailored to the needs and circumstances of the individual to achieve the following outcomes:

Confidence building and vocational skills, such as:

Knowledge, skills and work behaviours
Skills relating to developing applications for work
Problem solving, communicating and relationship management
Emotional resilience and confidence
Manage money more carefully
Practical help, such as:

transport challenges
Identifying realistic and appropriate options for work
Information on vacancies in association with Job Centre Plus et al
Referrals to training programmes to learn additional skills, including accredited training and qualifications relevant to the participant’s journey towards work
Referral to further and higher education programs
Awareness of technology that can support sensory loss in the workplace
Providing access to work experience, work placements, volunteering opportunities and job tasters through a wide range of employers
Specific outcomes for each participant exiting the programme could be:

Supporting them into employment
Completing work experience placement or volunteering opportunity
Gaining a qualification or work relevant certification
Or engaging in job search.
The JobSense project also employs specialist Employer Engagement Coordinators to liaise with businesses across Wales to identify and facilitate suitable vacancies. We hope they will leave a legacy of employers better informed on the needs and support mechanisms (including Access to Work) available to people with a sensory loss.

Opening times

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Access Options

Drop in

Self referrral

Agency referral

By appointment only