Girlguiding Ceredigion

Girlguiding Ceredigion is part of Girlguiding Cymru and provides an exciting, fun and relevant programme for girls and young women: an organisation fit for the 21st century but based on traditional values.

We believe in the value of learning by doing. This is put into practice through a method of five interlinking elements, known as the Five Essentials of Guiding:
1. Working together in small groups
2. Encouraging self-government and decision making
3. A balanced and varied programme
4. Caring for the individual
5. Sharing a commitment to a common standard

The Guiding method is delivered to young members grouped by age in four sections: Rainbows (5-7 years), Brownies (7-10 years), Guides (10-14 years) and Rangers (14-18 years).