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Communities for Work - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Communities for Work (CfW) is a Welsh Government partnership programme, between the Local Authority and Department for Work and Pensions, supported by the European Social Fund, to deliver employment support services in all 52 Communities First Clusters in Wales.

Dedicated CfW Project teams are now in place across each of RCT’s eight Communities First cluster areas to provide one to one support, for people of all ages (16 plus) to engage in employment related qualifications, improving essential skills and confidence and in securing work, or training opportunities.

If you think we might be able help you in your search for work, training or qualifications please contact us.

We can meet you in your own home, or in another venue in RCT, and will be able to help you to find your way to success or point you in the right direction.

Don’t think twice give us a call you may be surprised at what we can do and more importantly what you can achieve.