Information provided by our partner Dewis. Click here to view the information in Dewis.

Carmarthenshire Therapy Dogs


Postal Address

Abercamlais Golden Grove Carmarthen SA32 8QG



Provide therapy dog visits to people who are lonely and socially isolated in their own homes and in care settings, schools in Carmarthenshire, providing therapy for children with behaviour issues or autism, ADHD or anxiety, hospital and other health settings, subject to volunteer availability.
Animal Therapy has long been seen as beneficial to mental and physical health, referrals to our email.
Visits are worked out between volunteers and service users.
If you would like to become a volunteer or want a visit please contact us on
Registered Charity we are providing visits to people in Carmarthenshire and surrounding counties.
Our new project PetBot, we can provide automated pets to people living with dementia and other mental health issues. The automated pet has proved very successful and helps relieve stress and anxiety. Please contact for more details.
We currently have no capacity for one-to-one referrals, our group visits are still ongoing.