Information provided by our partner Dewis. Click here to view the information in Dewis.

Age Connects Good Neighbours Services (Vale of Glamorgan only)


Visitable Address

Illtud House Station Rd Llantwit Major CF61 1ST

Postal Address

Illtud House Station Rd Llantwit Major



Are you over 65 & living in the Vale of Glamorgan?
Are you lonely or isolated & would like some company or a chat?
Have you lost confidence & are you looking for help to get out of the house & join activities in your local community?
Do you need some extra support now & again to help you stay independent and living in your own home? (Includes Shopping)

If you don’t have family or friends who can help we might be able to provide:
• Information on what support is available or answers to queries
• Information on activities & clubs in your local area
• A volunteer visitor for company
• Help with transport or an escort to attend appointments (transport is currently on hold due to the pandemic)
• Regular phone calls for a chat and to check that everything is OK

Western Vale - 07377 414806
East & Central - 01446 747 654