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Abertillery Orpheus Male Choir


Visitable Address

Ebenezer Baptist Church Park Place Abertillery NP13 1ED

Postal Address

Ebenezer Baptist Church Park Place Abertillery

Provides male companionship for all ages from 16 upwards, through the study and practice of male choral music in order to foster public knowledge of such music. The benefits of singing have long been known. Music making exercises the brain as well as the body, but singing is particularly beneficial for improving breathing, posture and muscle tension. Choir members report that learning new songs is cognitively stimulating and helps their memory and it has been shown that singing can help those suffering from Dementia, Parkinson’s and Lung Disease (COPD). Singing also improves our sense of happiness and wellbeing. Research has found that people feel more positive after actively singing than they do after passively listening to music or after chatting about positive life events. We sing in English and Welsh with other occasional languages sung.