Led by Professional Musical Theatre Performer and Actor, and Performing Arts Lecturer, Liam Goldsworthy at Newbridge Memo every Wednesday.
5.30-7.30pm - Under 15s
6-8pm - 16+
Everyone is welc...
We provide a professional advocacy service for adults (18+) who have a Learning Disability and/or Autism Spectrum Conditions. Anyone can refer and the service is free.
We can help the person to find the right infor...
Our Welfare Rights Service offers free benefit advice and can assist older people aged 60+ complete benefit forms. Thousands of pounds go unclaimed in benefits not sure if you can claim then give us a call today..
Call into Age Connects Community Café on a Friday to have a game of Bingo make friends and enjoy a cuppa and chat. Bingo starts at 11am, 50p a ticket. 01446 747654 Age Connects at 38 Holton Road Barry.
Our community: Supporting everyone living with dementia
Are you looking for a group to support you as you face the challenges of dementia? Join us and hundreds of other people who understand. Membership is free, an...
Our community: Supporting everyone living with dementia.
Are you looking for a group to support you as you face the challenges of dementia? Join us and hundreds of other people who understand. Membership is free, a...
Doorstop is a medium supported accommodation and floating support service for people who have alcohol or substance misuse related support needs.
The project aims to stabilise service users in a drug and alcohol fre...
We run free 'friends and neighbours' groups, open to everyone for one hour every week, in a variety of locations. We take turns to talk about our everyday lives and a weekly topic. We now meet face-to-face every Monday in Bar...
Sir Julian Hodge Hostel is a 25-bedroom hostel in Cardiff providing shelter and support to single homeless people
A young carers is someone under the age of 18 who takes a caring responsibility for someone who is ill, disabled, elderly, experiencing mental distress or affected by substance misuse, etc. Barnardos Young carers provide prac...
Canton's own REPAIR CAFE
Throw it away, no way!
Bring that broken thing, see if we can fix it. Bring along your broken or damaged item and our volunteer repairers will try to fix it, for free. You can enjoy a cup of...
The best local food in Cardiff. Fresh, sustainable food - direct from the people who produced it.
More than 100 farmers and small producers sell food and drink across our three regular markets every week:
Christmas call companions is a telephone befriending service specifically designed for older people who are feeling lonely or in need of companionship over the festive period.
As a Christmas call companion, you’ll make reg...
Recovery Cymru is a peer-led, mutual-aid, recovery community that empowers people to achieve and maintain recovery from drug and/or alcohol misuse while supporting others to do the same. All our activities are community-led....
Located at facilities across South East Wales, Vision 21 (Cyfle Cymru) offers life-changing opportunities for people with learning disabilities to realise their potential.
At the V21 Woodwork at Heath project you...
Located at facilities across South East Wales, Vision 21 (Cyfle Cymru) supports life-changing opportunities for people with learning disabilities to realise their potential.
V21 Garden Nursery at Heath is open to...
Located at facilities across South East Wales, Vision 21 (Cyfle Cymru) offers life-changing opportunities for people with learning disabilities to realise their potential.
Become a trainee at our V21 Crafts @ Fair...
Located at facilities across South East Wales, Vision 21 (Cyfle Cymru) supports life-changing opportunities for people with learning disabilities to realise their potential.
V21 Café @ Rookwood is located in the w...
Located at facilities across South East Wales, Vision 21 (Cyfle Cymru) supports life-changing opportunities for people with learning disabilities to realise their potential.
Our V21 Community Garden runs the full...
Located at facilities across South East Wales, Vision 21 (Cyfle Cymru) supports life-changing opportunities for people with learning disabilities to realise their potential.
Develop your creative and artistic skil...