

Found 4 services in category "Children and Families" in Flintshire in Buckley

Provided by DangerPoint Ltd Service available in Talacre, Flintshire Children and Families Community Education and training
DangerPoint Ltd, Granary Court Business Park, Station Road, Talacre, CH8 9RL
01745 850414

An interactive tour led by trained Rangers around 16 life like scenarios. Groups participate in a quiz using hand held voting devices before and after their tour to measure learning.

Provided by DangerPoint Ltd Service available in Talacre, Flintshire Community Youth Children and Families
DangerPoint Ltd, Granary Court Business Park, Station Road, Talacre, CH8 9RL
01745 850414

Similarly to the Core Programme, ActionPo!nt is an interactive tour led by trained Rangers around 16 life like scenarios. However, the emphasis this time around is on climate change and how we can make small changes that can...

Provided by Parkfields Community Centre Service available in Mold, Flintshire Children and Families Youth Community
Parkfields Community Centre, Ash Grove, Mold, CH7 1TB
01352 756337

Parkfields Community Centre provides welcoming facilities and programmes to support people of all ages and backgrounds; our activities include:
• providing meeting spaces, services and advice
• offering educational, socia...

Provided by DangerPoint Ltd Service available in Talacre, Flintshire Education and training Youth Children and Families
DangerPoint Ltd, Granary Court Business Park, Station Road, Talacre, CH8 9RL
01745 850414

Looking for a family day out with a difference? Then look no further! DangerPoint offers you a fun filled day family day out.
During local school holidays, DangerPoint opens the centre for our Danger Detective Quest, a fun f...