Men's Advice Line

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Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline, email and webchat service for male victims of domestic abuse and those supporting them; family, friends and Frontline workers.
We offer advice and emotional support to men and signpost to other vital services that help men keep themselves (and their children) safe.

Opening times

Telephone & email support↵↵Monday–Friday 9am-8pm↵↵↵↵Webchat↵↵Wednesday: 10–11am & 3–4pm↵↵Thursday: 10–11am & 3–4pm↵↵Friday: 10–11am & 3–4pm↵↵↵↵Email support only↵↵Saturday: 10am–12pm & 4–6pm↵↵Sunday: 10am–12pm & 4–6pm

Access Options

Drop in

Self referrral

Agency referral

By appointment only